Behind the Meter (BTM) solar plus storage systems can help many types of customers, but energy providers have not accessed the full value that these distributed resources can provide customers and the grid, according to a new report from DNV GL.
To increase the penetration of BTM solar plus storage in areas that have lower uptake, and to make the most of the market in areas where it is more common, developers, load-serving entities, investors, distributed energy resources (DER) and other energy service providers must adopt innovative solutions that go beyond the direct economic benefit of lower utility bills and emphasize its difficult to quantify benefits that include resilience, carbon emission reductions, and system peak load reduction.
The report, “Strategies for Success in Small Scale Solar + Storage,” provides 12 approaches that energy providers can use to increase solar plus storage project margins, reduce costs, and support market growth. These strategies — based on market and business fundamentals — reveal untapped opportunities in the market by highlighting synergies between multiple sector stakeholders across the wholesale and retail markets. Strategies listed in the report include:
- Wholesale market integration: Allow solar and storage customers to share in the value of wholesale capacity, energy, and ancillary services markets
- Pricing Structures: Develop products and pricing designs to reflect the value DERs can provide
- Customer data: Leverage data to improve customer targeting, quantify real-time greenhouse gas emissions
- Partnerships: Engage in partnerships with adjacent industries and lenders to simplify customer offers
- Digital green neighborhoods: Connect customers with one another to share virtual green power through peer-to-peer trading, community solar, and community storage.
- DNV GL says innovative strategies are needed to deepen penetration of solar plus storage to residential and commercial and industrial (C&I) customers more widely across the US.