Green Charge won a contract from Con Edison to deliver 13 MWh for Con Edison’s Brooklyn-Queens Neighborhood Program. Green Charge will install and operate intelligent energy storage, at no cost to site host customers, within areas of Brooklyn and Queens.
The distributed energy storage portfolio will operate as a virtual power plant to mitigate peak load on the local distribution system. Con Edison’s Neighborhood Program will help Con Edison defer more than $1 billion in new infrastructure spending.
“Our Neighborhood Program is all about finding new strategies and technologies to help our customers manage their energy usage and still have the reliable power they need,” said Greg Elcock, who manages the program for Con Edison. “We decided to test out an auction as a way to help us keep service reliable at times of high demand and we’re pleased with the outcome.”
Green Charge will install, operate and maintain GridSynergy Storage at businesses, schools, housing cooperatives and multi-family unit facilities in the Brooklyn-Queens boroughs. Green Charge co-optimizes systems to provide customers with utility bill savings, backup power for critical loads, and solar PV integration. These systems will run for 10 years, adjusting operations in accordance with facility energy use patterns, time of day, weather variations, and solar production (if present).
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