Carbon Proton Battery Stores as Much Energy as Lithium Battery in Lab Tests

on April 10, 2018

Energy-Storage-World-Forum“Will anything match lithium-ion batteries for energy density?” is a frequently repeated question. It’s certainly not in the cards in the next few years. But the research coming out of Australia’s RIMT University in Melbournesays that one day, it’s possible – with a carbon proton battery.

The research team have designed and built a battery that uses environmentally friendly carbon electrodes, water, and a permeable membrane to store electrical energy.

Lead researcher Professor John Andrews says,

“Our latest advance is a crucial step towards cheap, sustainable proton batteries that can help meet our future energy needs without further damaging our already fragile environment. As the world moves towards inherently variable renewable energy to reduce greenhouse emissions and tackle climate change, requirements for electrical energy storage will be gargantuan.

“The proton battery is one among many potential contributors towards meeting this enormous demand for energy storage. Powering batteries with protons has the potential to be more economical than using lithium ions, which are made from scarce resources. Carbon, which is the primary resource used in our proton battery, is abundant and cheap compared to both metal hydrogen storage alloys and the lithium needed for rechargeable lithium ion batteries.”

“Future work will now focus on further improving performance and energy density through use of atomically-thin layered carbon based materials such as graphene, with the target of a proton battery that is truly competitive with lithium ion batteries firmly in sight,” Andrews says.

The functional prototype carbon proton battery works as the best of both worlds, combining the pros of hydrogen fuel cells and battery power. Hydrogen fuel cells are environmentally friendly, but lack energy density. Lithium-ion batteries, while energy dense, require rare materials and are chemically sensitive.

According to the report in Science Daily, “The latest version combines a carbon electrode for solid-state storage of hydrogen with a reversible fuel cell to provide an integrated rechargeable unit.”

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsCarbon Proton Battery Stores as Much Energy as Lithium Battery in Lab Tests

Could South Africa be an Important Energy Storage Market in the Making?

on April 10, 2018

Energy-Storage-ReportSouth Africa’s potential as a market for energy storage could be set to improve following a change in leadership last month.

The appointment of a new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, looks likely to unblock a stalled renewable energy programme and woo back foreign investment scared off by irregularities in the previous administration.

Ramaphosa this week reinstated Nhlanhla Nene, a highly regarded finance minister ousted in 2015 by former head of state Jacob Zuma.

The new leader, who took control of the country after Zuma succumbed to pressure to resign over corruption allegations, named another former finance minister, Pravin Gordhan, to run the Ministry of Public Enterprises.

The Ministry is key to the energy sector because it is in charge of signing off power-purchase agreements between the state electricity company Eskom and plants developed under the nation’s renewables procurement programme. 

South Africa’s renewable energy programme

Developers selected under recent rounds of South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Program (REIPPPP) had been trapped in a hiatus caused by a scandal involving Zuma and Eskom.

Zuma’s government had dragged its feet over signing the agreements while Zuma handed Eskom coal supply contracts to a family business tied up in the corruption allegations.

When Eskom came clean over faltering finances this year, Gordhan’s predecessor hastily approved outstanding REIPPPP power-purchase agreements in the days before Zuma was forced to resign.

Assuming Eskom can now limp back to financial health, which observers say is only a matter of time, the outlook for renewables in South Africa is once again bright.

One of the consequences of Eskom’s financial ill-health is that it has abandoned plans to build new nuclear plants, leaving renewables as one of the most viable options to increase generation capacity in future. 

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsCould South Africa be an Important Energy Storage Market in the Making?

Tesla’s Giant Battery System Gets Praised by Energy Market Operator: ‘Rapid, Accurate, and Valuable’

on April 10, 2018

ElectrekSince the success of its giant Powerpack system in Australia, Tesla has been rolling out several other massive energy storage projects in the country despite some high-profile critics at the federal level and now within the new South Australian government who think the initiative is overvalued.

Nonetheless, the Australian Energy Market Operator praised the performance of the system in a new report this month.

Tesla’s 100MW/129MWh Powerpack project in South Australia, the largest in the world for now, has been demonstrating its capacity since going into operation in December.

When an issue happens or maintenance is required on the power grid in Australia, the Energy Market Operator calls for FCAS (frequency control and ancillary services) which consists of large and costly gas generators and steam turbines kicking in to compensate for the loss of power.

Electricity rates can be seen reaching $14,000 per MW during those FCAS periods.

Tesla’s battery system can provide the same service cheaper, quicker, and with zero-emissions, through its battery system.

It is so efficient that it reportedly should have made around $1 million in just a few days in January, but Tesla complained last month that they are not being paid correctly because the system doesn’t account for how fast Tesla’s Powerpacks start discharging their power into the grid.

The system is basically a victim of its own efficiency, which the Australian Energy Market Operator confirmed is much more rapid, accurate and valuable than a conventional steam turbine (left) in a new report:

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsTesla’s Giant Battery System Gets Praised by Energy Market Operator: ‘Rapid, Accurate, and Valuable’

Ultracapacitors in Electrification: Driving Change with Complementary Technologies

on April 9, 2018

Energy-Storage-NewsIn much the same way that the industrial revolution changed society all those years ago, electrification is now the driving force behind the industrialisation of multiple sectors. From manufacturing to automotive, mobility to the introduction of technologies such as the Internet of Things, electrification is seen by many as the nucleus around which society is developing.

Similarly, an industry which has arguably seen the greatest change in recent years, is renewable energy. This is as a result of multiple factors; rising concerns surrounding global warming; new laws and regulations surrounding pollution and innovative technology which enhance the capabilities of clean energy. As we shift from fossil fuels to renewables, more and more of our everyday utilities are powered by electricity. Yet, the infrastructure and technology used to accommodate this demand is rarely discussed.

Even if renewable energy could provide a constant, stable source of energy, there’s still the question of how to ensure grid infrastructure is robust enough to deal with demand. There are a couple of routes which can be taken to combat these issues. We can generate more electricity and overfeed the grid so it is always capable of handling any spikes in consumption or we can incorporate energy storage systems within the grid to reserve energy during quiet periods to accommodate spikes in demand.

The (possible) solutions

Battery technology is becoming increasingly influential in catering for the demands of the national grid, with both flywheels and banks of batteries commonly deployed across the energy sector.

Touching upon flywheels first, these high inertia wheels generate power through utilising rotation at high revs (8000 Revs per minute, or more) and are kept in motion through the input of currents to ensure the select infrastructure is prepared for any surprise power surges. Although a downside to this method is the time required to not only implement such technology, but maintain it as regular maintenance is required every five years.

Banks of batteries, on the other hand, are commonly used to prevent blackouts, but due to their low power density they cannot deliver the necessary high powers jolts without sustaining damage. This means that a high volume of batteries are required to ensure the process is reliable, and on top of this, they also require regular maintenance throughout their lifecycle.

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsUltracapacitors in Electrification: Driving Change with Complementary Technologies

The Spectrum of Resiliency – What Role Does Energy Storage Play in a Microgrid?

on April 9, 2018

Microgrids and energy storage are highly promising and frequently discussed topics in the energy community. Growing cybersecurity threats and frequent natural disasters that pose risk to the electric system have made microgrid solutions a desirable infrastructure improvement for customers and utilities.

At times, however, the terms “microgrid” and “energy storage” are used interchangeably – implying energy storage systems naturally provide energy security. It is important to recognize that microgrids and energy storage are not the same thing.

The answer to whether energy storage is essential to a functioning microgrid is: well, it depends. Energy storage is a flexible, versatile distributed energy resource that can provide significant benefit to a microgrid.

However, implementing an energy storage system alone does not constitute a microgrid, and there are many scenarios where microgrids can be designed and implemented without storage.

Since adding storage resources carries significant additional capital investment to a project, it’s important for customers to identify their resiliency and energy security goals and work with qualified energy solutions partners to achieve those goals. Qualified partners should be independent to provide the greatest portfolio of solutions, have experience in energy efficiency to maximize cost effectiveness, and have demonstrated expertise in generation, controls and storage to effectively develop, design and implement successful energy security solutions.

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsThe Spectrum of Resiliency – What Role Does Energy Storage Play in a Microgrid?

EnergySage Marketplace Report Finds Energy Storage Interest Skyrocketing

on April 9, 2018

Solar-Power-WorldEnergySage released its latest semiannual Solar Marketplace Intel Report at Bloomberg’s Future of Energy Summit in New York. EnergySage’s report is based on millions of transaction-level data points generated within its Solar Marketplace, and serves as one of the country’s foremost leading indicators of the future of residential solar shopping.

This sixth and latest report features new datasets and analyses including complete visibility into the specific brands of solar panels most likely to drive sales on EnergySage, and what other energy-related products and services today’s solar shoppers are considering, such as the Tesla Powerwall home battery.

Key insights from the latest Solar Marketplace Intel Report include:

Equipment quality, not lowest price, drives buying decisions

EnergySage reviewed the equipment that consumers chose most frequently on the Solar Marketplace. In 2017, the most successful quotes all included higher quality panels such as SunPower, LG and Panasonic. This reflects a broader trend seen throughout the report: prospective solar customers are compelled by offers that include quality products at the right price.

Three in four solar shoppers also considering energy storage

In 2017, 74% of solar shoppers who shared their non-solar energy interests with EnergySage stated they were also considering a home battery like the Tesla Powerwall. While this hasn’t yet translated into an equivalent sales volume, batteries present a massive new market opportunity for installers, manufacturers, lenders and utilities to capitalize on in coming years.

Cost of solar continues to fall, the lowest prices seen to date

When EnergySage first started tracking the cost of solar offered to consumers in 2014, the national average was at $3.86 per watt. By the end of 2017, the national average had fallen to $3.13 per watt. In many parts of the country including Florida, Arizona and Maryland, average costs were below $3.00 per watt on EnergySage and as low as $2.00 per watt in some counties.

“Today’s residential solar consumers are opting to own their systems, and as our data shows, they’re prioritizing equipment quality and value over whatever is the cheapest option,” said EnergySage CEO and founder Vikram Aggarwal. “Our mission to make solar more accessible and affordable for Americans through transparency is allowing today’s solar shopper to find the right solutions at the right price.”

Additionally, EnergySage analyzed quotes submitted to Solar Marketplace shoppers in five different utility service territories. The report compared the cost of solar energy to today’s electricity rates in territories served by Green Mountain Power, Pacific Power, Puget Sound Energy, San Diego Gas & Electric and Tampa Electric. Remarkably, in every utility service territory except for Puget Sound Energy, the cost of solar was at least 50% below the 2017 residential electricity rate offered by the utility, and often lower.

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsEnergySage Marketplace Report Finds Energy Storage Interest Skyrocketing

Battery Storage Comes to the Blockchain

on April 9, 2018

Greentech-MediaAn alliance announced in March could result in one of the most complete blockchain-based energy trading pilots to date — by adding batteries into the mix.

Sonnen’s decision to join the NEMoGrid project in Europe is thought to be the first instance of a battery vendor taking part in a blockchain energy trading experiment.

The project will look at the economic and technical impact of electricity trading between households within a region, said Sonnen in a press release.

According to the NEMoGrid website, the project will evaluate three business models: centralized utility management, decentralized voltage and power-based tariffs, and a peer-to-peer market using the Ethereum blockchain for transaction recording.

One of NEMoGrid’s aims is to investigate the interaction between electricity tariffs and peer-to-peer trading, as well as the impact of trades on the stability of local distribution grids.

“The goal of energy supply must be to generate as much clean energy as possible right where it is being consumed,” said Jean-Baptiste Cornefert, managing director of sonnen eServices, in press materials.

“If households can sell their own power to their neighbors, this influences local electricity prices and the power grid. Ideally, people would trade in energy and at the same time stabilize the local grids, thus avoiding expensive grid interventions whenever possible.”

Battery storage is seen as being a key ingredient in helping to maintain this grid stability and pricing flexibility, soaking up excesses during periods of high energy production and returning it to the grid when demand outstrips supply.

Blockchain technology, meanwhile, will give residential participants and distribution grid operators a single, distributed ledger of all energy transactions, while reducing the cost of trading.

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsBattery Storage Comes to the Blockchain

The Time Has Come for Battery Net Metering

on April 7, 2018

Greentech-MediaNet metering compensate solar customers for the power they contribute to the grid — but if they route the electrons through a battery, they’re out of luck.

Utilities understandably don’t want to pay net-metering rates for batteries charged by grid power. So far, that means solar generation stored in batteries for later use doesn’t earn net metering dollars either. That could change, once the California Public Utilities Commission responds to a petition that, unusually, drew support from both the solar industry and utilities.

“If I’m not charging from your electricity, if I’m charging only from a solar source, the battery is basically an accessory to the solar system,” said Joshua Weiner, who worked on the concept as president of design engineering firm SepiSolar, which specializes in solar plus storage. “All the policies in place support this. […] Somebody just needs to say that this is allowed.”

If certifiably solar-powered batteries can get paid, that could unleash a market signal with sweeping ramifications for solar customers and utilities trying to balance a highly renewable grid.

California’s shift to new time-of-use rates lowers the value of solar at midday, when it floods the wires, and increases the price of evening power. That means reduced payback for traditional solar customers who can only export when the sun shines and then have to buy power at night.

Those who pair solar panels with batteries, though, could store midday generation and sell it to the grid at the peak time-of-use rates, if allowed. That personal profit addresses a systemic challenge: the dreaded “duck curve.”

Solar customers would make more money by exporting just when utilities are scrambling to fulfill the steep ramps required in the evening, when solar generation drops off and electrical demand spikes.

“We’ve become very good at supplying solar power in the daytime; now we need to start supplying solar power in the evening,” said Brad Heavner, policy director at the California Solar & Storage Association.

Play that out on a statewide scale, and it’s not hard to envision the collective behavior of thousands of solar customers delivering peak power that otherwise would come from gas plants. It simultaneously reduces the technical headaches associated with a surplus of midday solar on the wires.

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsThe Time Has Come for Battery Net Metering

In Germany, Storage Now Has More Than Half the Number of Jobs of the Lignite Sector

on April 7, 2018

Greentech-MediaGermany’s energy storage sector now employs more than half the number of people as the country’s lignite industry, according to figures released last month.

An annual report by the German Energy Storage Association (Bundesverband Energiespeicher or BVES), compiled in association with Berlin-based energy sector consultancy Team Consult, found the energy storage industry employed around 11,130 workers in 2017.

This is set to rise 9 percent to around 12,140 in 2018. Meanwhile figures from Euracoal, the European Association for Coal and Lignite, show Germany’s lignite industry had around 20,740 direct and indirect workers in 2015.

The BVES data shows employment in Germany’s residential battery market has grown 131 percent since 2015. The segment is expected to employ 1,800 professionals this year.

More people are employed by industrial and utility-scale battery companies, although growth in this segment has been more modest, rising from 2,250 in 2015 to an expected 3,200 this year.

The report also showed the Germany energy storage industry made €4.6 billion ($5.6 billion) in sales in 2017.

That is expected to grow to around €5.1 billion ($6.2 billion) this year, of which around €3.3 billion ($4 billion) is to come from what the BVES terms “new storage technologies” and their applications.

These technologies cover just about everything other than pumped hydro, including batteries, power-to-gas and thermal energy storage. Their contribution to Germany’s energy storage sector revenues has increased almost 74 percent since 2015.

Over the same period, the pumped hydro sector has declined slightly in revenues, from €2 billion ($2.5 billion) in 2015 to an expected €1.8 billion ($2.2 billion) this year. Most of the growth in new technologies is attributable to rapid expansion in the battery market.

The big driver financially was battery sales to utilities and commercial and industrial (C&I) customers. These were worth €1.12 billion ($1.37 billion) in 2017 and are set to grow more than 22 percent to €1.37 billion ($1.68 billion) this year.

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsIn Germany, Storage Now Has More Than Half the Number of Jobs of the Lignite Sector

Power Shift: Anything Coal And Gas Can Do, Renewables And Energy Storage Can Do Cheaper

on April 6, 2018

Spectacular falls in the cost of wind, solar and battery technology mean that clean energy is increasingly pushing coal and gas out of the world’s electricity generation mix in a “chilling” development for the future of fossil fuel power generation.

Research group Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) has released its latest report on the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and it suggests that President Donald Trump’s attempts to revive the U.S. coal industry is doomed to failure. That’s because the price of battery storage has tumbled by 79% since 2010, from $1,000/kWh to $209/kWh while both wind and solar power have fallen by 18% in just a year.

BNEF says that fossil fuel power, which is responsible for the bulk of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which cause climate change, “is facing an unprecedented challenge in all three roles it performs in the energy mix – the supply of ‘bulk generation,’ the supply of ‘dispatchable generation,’ and the provision of ‘flexibility.’”

Wind and solar PV costs have continued to fall over the last year thanks to falling capital costs, higher efficiency and the spread of competitive tenders for clean power around the world, increasing their viability in bulk generation.

Dispatchable power is the ability to respond to requests from the power network to increase or decrease generation and here, it is the pairing of battery storage with wind and solar to enable these intermittent sources of generation to tackle fluctuations in demand by smoothing output or diverting power into batteries to be used at a later date.

Flexibility is the ability to respond to supply shortages and surpluses over a period of hours, and here batteries on their own are now increasingly competitive not just with open-cycle gas plants but also other options such as pumped hydro.

Elena Giannakopoulou, head of energy economics at BNEF, said: “Our team has looked closely at the impact of the 79% decrease seen in lithium-ion battery costs since 2010 on the economics of this storage technology in different parts of the electricity system. The conclusions are chilling for the fossil fuel sector.

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsPower Shift: Anything Coal And Gas Can Do, Renewables And Energy Storage Can Do Cheaper