At the dual conference, practice-oriented approaches take centre stage. During the session “Linking Climate Protection and Business: The CEO’s View,“ Dr. Christian Fischer, managing director at Robert Bosch GmbH, will be talking about the company’s efforts to reach worldwide carbon neutrality by 2020. Matthias W. Send from the energy provider ENTEGA AG will likewise share his insights. In another keynote, Dr. Volker Hille, Head of Corporate Technology at Salzgitter AG, will explain how the company aims to reduce its CO2 emissions by employing hydrogen and wind power. In the “International Markets” session, Rory McCarthy from Wood Mackenzie, an international management consultancy, will present the results of a modelling of the Central European energy markets’ flexibility needs.
“The upcoming conference bridges the gap between the discourse on climate protection and corporate management, a highly fascinating and relevant thematic field, particularly for managers,” says Dr. Andreas Moerke, who took over as head of Energy Storage Europe this year. “Participants can also expect a comprehensive scientific programme within the framework of IRES in Düsseldorf, and representatives of storage manufacturers will furthermore meet at the German Energy Storage Association’s workshops.”
Professor Peter Droege, EUROSOLAR President and Chairman of the IRES Organising Committee, states: “We are delighted that in 2020 almost 150 selected top-level German as well as international experts from almost 20 countries will present their latest findings and innovations in over 22 different thematic sessions. The ESE and the IRES have a great social and economic impact: Without a rapid switch to renewable energies, climate stabilisation is inconceivable. Investors and companies around the world are on the right track for purely economic reasons. Storage systems are the prerequisite for the regenerative world.”
All storage solutions under one roof
The conference sessions will again cover a wide range of electrical and thermal storage technologies as well as numerous effective storage and decarbonisation projects. Thermal storage, sector coupling, the topic hydrogen and successful concepts as well as business models incorporating storage use will also be main points.
In cooperation with IRES, the Energy Agency NRW is also organising a lecture series in German on the topic of “Structural change – What will the energy regions of the future look like and what role will storage play?”
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