Investment In Energy Storage Vital For Renewable Energy Success

on June 1, 2016

cleantechnicaA new report has concluded that investment in energy storage technology is vital for the success of renewable energy and its full integration into the energy sector.

According to a new study published by researchers from the University of East Anglia (UAE), government subsidies should be used so as to encourage further investment in energy storage, without which the authors of the report believe renewable energy will struggle to be fully integrated into the energy sector. The inherent variable nature of leading renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar requires energy storage so as to compensate for times when the wind may not be blowing, or the sun may not be shining. Energy storage systems such as reversed hydro power plants, large scale compressed air systems, and battery storage, are quickly being seen to be a vital companion to most, if not all, renewable energy technology installations.

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CleanTechnicaInvestment In Energy Storage Vital For Renewable Energy Success