For many of us, the last two months have felt like two years. But some of us – like those at DNV GL – have been launching the Australian Battery Performance Standard (ABPS) project during that time.
The lack of standardized performance data in what is one of the world’s leading markets for energy storage spurred both the DNV GL ABPS project, and the ITP Renewables Battery Trial, funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).
According to the Australian Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, the country has the highest uptake of solar globally, with 2.37 million of 21% of all homes boasting rooftop solar. And, of course, rooftop PV without energy storage is like art without memory. However, energy storage uptake is not yet a given like solar, and part of the reason for this is customer confusion about choosing the right battery system.
In June 2018, the ABPS project started toward the development of a draft standard addressing which energy storage system is best suited to residential and small-scale commercial applications. Under the banner of DNV GL, and with the support of AU$1.44 million (US$989,930) in ARENA funding through its Advancing Renewables Program, and the Victorian Government through its New Energy Jobs Fund, the project is comprised of various groups, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Deakin University, and the Smart Energy Council.
“Energy storage is shaping up to be an important feature of our rapidly evolving energy system,” said ARENA CEO Darren Miller. “As rooftop solar penetration continues to increase, and more people look to store their solar energy during the day and minimize what they consume from the grid in the evening, it is important that consumers are informed about how well batteries perform over their lifetime to aid their investment decision.”