Spanish wind power developer Acciona has bagged an industry award for battery storage research, amid claims the company is playing catch-up to an emerging trend.
Aris Karcanias, co-lead of the clean energy practice at FTI Consulting, said Acciona “comes late to the party but is developing hybrid solutions to address a growing need for improved power quality” after the firm was praised by the Spanish wind industry association.
Two Acciona employees, Asun Padrós and Raquel Rojo, won this year’s innovation award from industry body Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE) for a study of a hybrid wind and battery storage plant in Barásoain, Navarre, which entered operation last month.
The Acciona plant is equipped with two Samsung lithium-ion battery systems, one providing 1 megawatt and 390 kilowatt-hours of power and the other delivering 700 kilowatts and 700 kilowatt-hours of energy, connected to a 3-megawatt wind turbine.
“The advantage of the model they have used is that it mimics real Spanish electricity market conditions and poses different wind generation and pricing scenarios on the wholesale and balancing markets,” said Alberto Ceña, technical services coordinator at the AEE.
This model is unique in the world, he claimed. But other wind industry players have been experimenting with battery storage for some time.
This month, for example, the Danish utility Dong announced the installation of a 2-megawatt battery system at its 90-megawatt Burbo Bank offshore wind farm, which is connected to the U.K. grid.
The battery system will be operational by the end of the year and will be used for frequency response. “It will be the first time an offshore wind farm is integrated with a battery system to deliver frequency response to the grid,” said Dong in a press release.
The announcement reflects market conditions where generation profiles, regulation and balance of plant cost reductions all help storage improve site economics.
In April, for example, Danish manufacturer Vestas was said to be “keen to expand into areas such as energy storage to increase the global use of wind power and bring costs down,” according to Reuters.