The California Public Utilities Commission on Sept. 20 issued a final written approval, following a review of the matter at a Sept. 15 commission meeting, on four energy storage agreements for Pacific Gas and Electric and three energy storage agreements for Southern California Edison.
Two purchase and sale agreements for PG&E were not approved. The commission determined that SCE has met its 2014 energy storage targets with approval of these contracts, but that PG&E has not yet met its 2014 targets.
In December 2010, the commission opened a rulemaking to implement the provisions of Assembly Bill 2514. AB 2514 directed the commission to determine appropriate targets, if any, for each load-serving entity to procure viable and cost-effective energy storage systems and set dates for any targets deemed appropriate to be achieved. In response to this mandate, the commission adopted a biennial storage procurement program.
In December 2015, SCE and PG&E filed applications seeking approval of the results of their 2014 Energy Storage Request for Offers. SCE sought approval for three contracts for a total of 16.3 MW of distribution-connected storage. PG&E sought approval for four energy storage agreements whose function is generation/market participation and two purchase and sale agreements whose purpose is distribution deferral for a total of 72 MW.
Although PG&E‘s short-listed bidders included resources in all three grid domains (transmission, distribution, and behind the meter), the contracted resources connect only at the tr