GRIDSTOR is an independent set of recommendations combining all key standards and guidelines with credible industry experience and insights, to help guarantee the safe implementation and operation of energy storage systems for all stakeholders such as end users, manufacturers, investors or insurance companies. The updated version, compiled by an international consortium of experts from 15 global organisations, incorporates the latest storage technologies and market developments and provides the most up to date recommendations on safety, operation and performance for grid-connected energy storage systems.
The Recommended Practice requires regular updates as the energy sector undergoes rapid developments and innovations. Currently over 200 other guidance documents are available that can be applied to grid-scale energy storage systems or components. As the grid-scale energy storage market is rapidly growing, it relies on independent risk mitigation, to ensure growth happens with the required quality and safety standards, further enabling the energy transition.
Energy storage is a key measure to provide flexibility, as increasing renewable generation is needed to allow electricity systems to continue to operate stably and economically. DNV GL’s recently published Energy Transition Outlook report forecasts that renewable sources will account for 85 percent of the world’s electricity production. Additional ‘flexibility’ functions such as storage technology are needed to allow electricity systems to continue to operate stably and economically.
“Energy storage is playing an increasingly important role in providing a reliable and secure power supply” said Ditlev Engel, CEO at DNV GL – Energy. “Whether this is with regards to the integration of renewables into the energy mix, ancillary services, bulk energy services or any other form of the wide variety of applications. GRIDSTOR provides the most relevant Recommended Practice allowing all stakeholders to safely develop the vital technological and system advancements using energy storage”.
David Lentsch, Senior Manager Energy Storage at Maxwell Technologies, added that the new and updated global standard on advanced utility and microgrid energy storage explains how storage performs as a Swiss army knife delivering multiple streams of value to utilities, ratepayers and their regulators.
The international consortium that has updated GRIDSTOR includes experts from: Alaska Centre for Energy and Power, Alfen, Alevo, ATEPS, Conergy, Datawatt, DNV GL, Enexis, Gaelectric, Highview Power, Hybrid Europe, Maxwell, PNNL (in support of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity energy storage safety strategy), RWTH and Wärtsilä.