The U.S. Trade Representative lowered tariffs on Chinese lithium-ion batteries to 7.5 percent from 15 percent.
The new rate goes into effect on Feb. 14. The change in the tariff will ease the adverse economic effects on grid energy storage deployments in the country.
The U.S. Energy Storage Association (ESA) applauded the move but believes more is necessary.
“This week’s action demonstrates movement in the right direction; however, ESA looks forward to timely and full removal of the tariffs,” ESA CEO Kelly Speakes-Backman said.
ESA has concerns about any tariffs on lithium-ion battery imports. Organization officials say the tariffs are inconsistent with the federal government’s efforts to encourage growth in storage deployment and create jobs.
“ESA and its members continue to call on the U.S. Trade Representative for the full removal of the tariffs on grid energy storage components, due to storage’s critical role in improving electric system resilience, energy security, and job creation. We look forward to working with the Administration to remove impediments to America’s efforts to modernize its electric system,” Speakes-Backman added.
ESA is the national trade association for the energy storage industry. With more than 190 members, ESA represents independent power producers, electric utilities, energy service companies, financiers, insurers, law firms, installers, manufacturers, component suppliers and integrators involved in deploying energy storage systems around the globe.
More information on the impacts of import tariffs on the American energy grid infrastructure can be found on their web site, www.energystorage.org.