Utilility Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) are beginning to catch up with the growth of energy storage.
Utilities across the country from Duke Energy Carolinas to Southern California Edison have implemented energy storage projects for a variety of reasons, but until now few have included energy storage in their IRPs. Now, utilities in states ranging from Indiana and North Carolina to Arizona, New Mexico and Oregon have included energy storage in their long term planning processes.
Portland General Electric’s 2017 IRP proposes five storage projects in a range of sizes and applications. The utility’s IRP is, in part, a response to a state law passed in 2015, HB 2193, that required PGE to procure at least 5 MWh of energy storage and up to 1% of 2014 peak load (38.7 MW) by 2020.
PGE’s rationale for including storage in its planning process is the need to support grid flexibility as its use of variable renewable resources grows. Last year more than 40% of the energy PGE delivered was from carbon-free sources. The state’s renewable portfolio standard mandates that 50% of electricity sales come from renewable sources by 2040. PGE says that if hydropower resources are included, it will hit 70% carbon-free energy by 2040.
In its 2017 IRP, PGE says it plans to install a microgrid battery storage pilot project at existing solar and biomass facilities to improve resilience; a battery at a substation to provide energy and capacity and other ancillary services; a storage asset at the existing 1.75 MW Baldock solar facility; up to 500 residential behind-the-meter batteries that would be controlled by PGE to pilot the development of a residential storage program; and a 4 MW to 6 MW transmission-connected storage device that would create a hybrid plant at PGE’s Port Westward 2 facility.
Despite the fact that some of the projects are called “pilots,” they will all be commercial scale, PGE spokesman Steve Corson told Utility Dive. An explicit part of PGE’s strategy, he said, is “to explore a diverse range of technologies in a diverse range of applications and sites so we can learn in addition to having the assets themselves.”