Energy storage has been described as the Swiss Army knife of the electric industry. Others call it the killer app of the smart grid, or they say it is the empowering technology. Whatever it is called, energy storage has proven to be a valuable multifaceted technology.
The Port of Los Angeles is installing an ABB flywheel energy storage system as part of a new microgrid. In northern England, near Manchester, the world’s first grid-scale 5-MW/15-MWh liquid-air energy storage (LAES) project was completed. In addition, GE has developed a grid-scale energy storage system, called the Reservoir, with black-start capability. And Southern California Edison, working with Fluence, is installing one of the world’s largest lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery-based energy storage systems, to improve the reliability and environmental goals of a gas-fired combined-cycle power plant.
Energy geeks are excited about the growing list of cutting-edge energy storage systems, and it is getting longer every day. Modern energy storage apparatuses are versatile, supplying power from a few kilowatts to multiple megawatts. They can supply this energy for a short time to many megawatt-hours.
When combined with other technologies, energy storage systems add value to the total system. Distributed energy resource (DER) systems with energy storage extends grid reliability to both sides of the meter. Paired with renewable energy generation, the technology makes the renewable’s electricity dispatchable. Used with demand management systems, peak loads are shifted. And, when merged with aging infrastructure, energy storage improves performance and extends the service life of equipment.
Changing Role
As the Smart Electric Power Alliance stated, “The role of energy storage can be summed up in two words: grid empowerment.” Fortunately, regulators, utilities and grid operators are beginning to see the significant role in the electrical T&D systems. According to a National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) report on energy storage, understanding the economic influences, market issues and regulatory factors are critical. NREL went on to say reduced costs and improved characteristics have seen energy storage taking a larger role in the marketplace.
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