The Energy Storage Market Analysis is a desk based study that identifies business model opportunities within a specific market. Fractal has helped many successful renewable energy developers transition into the energy storage market. This analysis will help you create a go-to-market strategy and align your supply chain and project financing for a given market.

The project deliverables for the Energy Storage Market Analysis includes progress reports and a comprehensive final report containing:
Market Mechanics and Data Summary
- Relevant Applications and Revenue Streams
- Barriers, Limitations and Challenges
- Resource Registration Options and Requirements
- Impact of Resource Registration, Sizing and POI
Business Model Technical Design and Analysis
- Battery Profile (Energy, SOC and/or DOD)
- Sizing vs. Performance Summary
- Performance (RTE, Cycle Life, Calendar Life)
- Seasonal Dispatch Models
- System Sizing, Chemistry Selection, POI and Registration Requirements
- Degradation and Augmentation Schedule
- Visualization of Business Model (Duty Cycle)
Business Model Project Economics and Optimization
- Application Requirements and Valuation
- Description of Operational Concerns
- Annual System Capacity and Delivered Energy Projections
- Parameter and Assumption Explanation
- Proforma and Financial Metrics (IRR, NPV, Payback)
- Monetizable and Nonmonetizable Benefits
- Optimized Use of ITC and Incentives
- Optimization of Business Models and System Configuration
- Optimization of Dispatch, BOL Sizing, Chemistry and Augmentation Schedule
- Business Model Capital Outlay (CAPEX / OPEX)
- Description of Nearly Viable Business Models with Path to Feasibility
- Description of Nearly Viable Business Models with Path to Feasibility
Additional Deliverables
- Weekly Education Tracks
- Business Model SLD and Conceptual Layouts
- Technology Overview / Comparison (Optional)
- Fractal Financial & Technical Models (Optional)