For months, the energy storage market has lived in very few places, making it hard to get too excited about updates to the market leaderboard. But that’s starting to change.
In rankings calculated by GTM Research for its cumulative 2016 edition of the Energy Storage Monitor, several states that are not California have broken onto the scene. California doesn’t have to worry about losing the throne any time soon, but the stronger showing from relative newcomers heralds the onset of a more geographically diverse industry.
For a while now, the top three markets for the various storage segments have shuffled between California, the PJM Interconnection (minus New Jersey, which is counted separately), and the catchall term “All Others,” while Hawaii has made a strong mark in residential.
Hawaii still holds the No. 3 slot for cumulative residential power capacity, but Arizona unseated it for deployments in 2016. With 633 kilowatts, Arizona put up essentially half as much home storage as California last year.
That’s an impressive performance from Arizona given the relative generosity of storage policy incentives between the two. Overall, Arizona controls 9 percent of the residential storage market and Hawaii has 18 percent. That’ll be the matchup to watch going forward to understand the non-California centers of gravity for home battery buyers.
Meanwhile, New York has gained ground in the commercial and industrial space. The Empire State’s 2.3 megawatts earned it third place for cumulative megawatts deployed, unseating PJM, which held the spot with 2.2 megawatts last quarter.
Again, California still has a potentially insurmountable lead with 66.5 megawatts. As GTM Research’s behind-the-meter storage expert Brett Simon put it, “I don’t think we’ll see California lose its grip on the nonresidential market, but we’ll start to see its market share erode a little bit as states like New York and Hawaii claw their way up in the storage market.”
The new numbers show that New York isn’t waiting for its comprehensive Reforming the Energy Vision policy effort to wrap up before moving ahead with storage deployments. We can expect the pace of deployment to accelerate further as more fully formed market-based grid reform policies come into effect.