ISO New England and interconnecting transmission owner Central Maine Power on Dec. 19 filed with FERC an executed non-conforming Standard Small Generator Interconnection Agreement with FPL Energy Wyman for a 16 MW battery project at an existing power plant site in Maine.
The existing generating facilities where this project site is located make up the Wyman Station, which is a fossil generating facility comprised of Units 1, 2 and 3 in Yarmouth, Maine, and FPL Wyman IV’s William F. Wyman No. 4, a fossil generating facility also located there.
This new facility is a battery energy storage project comprised of eight bi-directional inverter-based generating units each rated at 2.39 MVA, totaling 16.7 MW gross and 16.2 MW net for Summer and Winter. While this new project is separate from and does not include the fossil units at the site, it will be interconnecting to CMP’s existing William F. Wyman Station 115-kV switchyard.