The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has given every grid operator in the country a December deadline for submitting plans for integrating energy storage into capacity, energy and ancillary services markets.
We’ve been covering some of the details of this momentous grid policy development at GTM Squared, including a deep dive into PJM’s latest straw proposal for meeting this mandate.
At the same time, FERC has also given each independent system operator (ISO) and regional transmission organization (RTO) leeway to meet Order 841’s requirements in ways that build on energy storage integration work already in progress. And in some cases, ISOs and RTOs are making big changes in energy storage-market integration well ahead of Order 841’s schedule.
That description fits the ISO New England’s recently filed proposal for integrating batteries and other fast-acting storage assets into its energy markets. While the “Storage Revisions” plan filed with FERC earlier this month doesn’t take ISO-NE all the way to full Order 841 compliance, it does contemplate important and valuable changes in market rules for batteries and other “continuous storage facilities” coming as early as April 2019, eight months before Order 841’s implementation deadline.
Much of the energy storage industry’s focus has been on mid-Atlantic grid operator PJM, which holds nearly 40 percent of the country’s existing large-scale battery storage power capacity, and has been updating its straw proposal for Order 841 compliance ahead of a December filing deadline.