The Sierra Club is urging New Jersey regulators to include microgrids as part of the state’s strategy for supporting energy efficiency and peak demand reduction.
The Sierra Club is urging New Jersey regulators to include microgrids as part of the state’s strategy for supporting energy efficiency and peak demand reduction.
The environmental group and others are also pushing the state to use energy storage to improve energy efficiency and peak demand cuts, according to comments filed with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU).
At issue is a proposal to revamp the state’s efficiency and demand reduction programs released by the BPU in March. The proposal grew out of the New Jersey’s 2018 Clean Energy Act, which calls for overhauling the state’s power system and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The proposal includes recommendations on program design and administration, cost recovery mechanisms, performance targets and metrics, program performance reviews, the evaluation, measurement and verification of programs and program effects, and filing and reporting requirements.
However, some groups want the state to go further.
Energy efficiency and microgrids
“Now is the time to initiate an expansion of energy efficiency and peak demand programs to address managing electric services for microgrids and electric vehicle charging stations,” the Sierra Club said in comments filed this month.
Microgrids will be needed to fulfill the state’s energy master plan, which calls for replacing fossil-fueled power plants, heating systems and vehicles, according to the environmental group.
“The proliferation of microgrids is an opportunity to execute a smooth transition to the Clean Energy Grid resulting in cost savings to customers, a reduction in emissions, and more control by consumers and grid operators to improve reliability and resiliency,” the Sierra Club said.