New Tesla Patent Shows A Safer, Rupturing Battery Solution

on July 26, 2018

While Tesla is best known for making electric cars, it also has an interest in solar roofing thanks to Solar City and energy storage devices with Tesla Energy. It is these two brands that will likely be most affected by a new patent application that was published today by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that describes a new, safer storage battery.

The patent was originally filed January 20, 2017, and specifically mentions, “energy generated from photovoltaics” and is basically an “improved energy storage system” that is designed to release the hot gases that can be generated in the charging and discharging process if cells fail. The gases would be released thanks to two “interconnects” (one on the positive ends, the other on the negative ends) that have weak spots (made from a thin layer of mica, perhaps) that would rupture and vent the gases when necessary.

This is how the patent application describes the process in detail:

The energy storage system includes a module housing having multiple battery cells positioned inside the module housing. Each of the battery cells has a first end and a second end. Further, each of the battery cells has a positive terminal and a negative terminal. A first interconnect is positioned over the multiple battery cells. A second interconnect is positioned over the multiple battery cells. Multiple first cell connectors connect the positive terminal of the battery cells to the first interconnect. Similarly, multiple second cell connectors connect the negative terminal of the battery cells to the second interconnect. A top plate having an interior side and an exterior side is positioned over the first interconnect and the second interconnect. The top plate includes one or more weak areas above the one or more battery cell. The weak areas are regions that have less integrity and thus, where mechanical failure is more likely to occur if a battery cell releases gas. These regions may be physically weaker areas compared to the surrounding areas and may rupture when pressure builds up due to a failed cell. Alternatively, the weak areas may be chemically weaker and preferentially rupture when exposed to the caustic gases released by a failed battery cell. The weak areas may also fail due to a combination of physical and chemical weakening.”

In other words, a patent for better, safer energy storage, brought to you by a car company.

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Fractal Energy Storage ConsultantsNew Tesla Patent Shows A Safer, Rupturing Battery Solution