New York’s vision for cleaner a more distributed utility grid will rely heavily on energy storage, and last week regulators took two steps to help grow the resource.
The commission in a statement explained that the new rules for Con Edison “significantly increase” energy storage technologies’ ability to export power to the utility’s primary and secondary voltage distribution systems. According to PSC Chairman John Rhodes, the new rules crafted a more straightforward process to allow private energy storage systems to export electricity to ConEd’s distribution system.
In the commission’s second decision, regulators increased the maximum-rated capacity for storage projects from 2 MW to 5 MW. The change boasted support from several stakeholders including the Natural Resources Defense Fund, Pace Energy and Climate Center, Solar Energy Industries Association and Vote Solar.
The decision comes as Cuomo is targeting 1.5 GW of storage by 2025. But observers say the final number could be even higher, and will likely use 2030 as a target year to remain aligned with the 50% renewables goal set in its the state’s Clean Energy Standard.
To achieve the storage goal, the PSC and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority are developing an Energy Storage Roadmap. Commission staff are expected to release the report for comment in the second quarter.