There is very strong demand for energy storage products. Homeowners in Hawaii and California are buying heavily, while broadly, residential solar customers show a very high level of interestin the product.
There are also potential issues on the supply side. Tesla has stated explicitly that selling electric cars is more important to them than energy storage, and that it would shut down Powerwall battery cell lines to make then Model 3 battery cell lines.
With that, we now are seeing reports of Tesla and Sono Motors, a European company which hopes to launch an solar powered electric car soon, increasing the pricing on their products.
Per Electrek, the 13.5 kWh Powerwall II increased in price from $5,900, to $6,700, and supporting hardware increased from $700 to $1,100. The supporting hardware, in other sources, was noted as the Backup Gateway 2. This product was released in Australia first because market economics and policy there, much like Hawaii and California, mean energy storage is a financially sound investment.
Sono Motors has increased the price on their electric cars because they found that the projections of future battery prices falling that they’d made were turning out to be a bit optimistic. The company increased its battery price projections from $4,500, to $10,700.
This pv magazine author has, anecodtally, been given six to nine month delivery times frames for smaller energy storage products to customers.