San Jose, California, April 17th, 2017: TrinaBESS announced today that the company will introduce its large-scale Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) called TrinaMega for the US Market at the 27th Annual Energy Storage Association (ESA) Expo, held in Denver on April 18th – 20th.
TrinaMega is a modular plug-and-play containerized BESS solution, entirely custom-made, in order to answer specific battery usage and functions from utilities and large energy users. TrinaMega provides one of the best battery densities on the market for utility-scale projects, up to 2.9 MWh per containerized BESS. Each TrinaMega is scalable, and includes the complete BESS system, UPS, SCADA unit, thermal management, fire suppressant, power supply and auxiliary systems. TrinaMega is designed, manufactured and tested in full compliance with the latest edition of IEC, EN and UL standards, and provides one of the most optimized safety, control and monitoring systems.
“With more than 100 engineers, TrinaBESS designs each TrinaMega to fit specific battery needs for each projects in the United States, from resource adequacy, spinning reserves, frequency regulation, sub-second demand response, non-export, to power back up.” said Anne Torricelli, Director, Energy Storage Solutions, North America. “With the expansion of TrinaBESS in North America, we adapted the design of a modular solution that can meet the increasing demand for energy storage in the USA while providing local support directly from California.”
“Because of the high efficiency and excellent reliability of our TrinaBESS products, TrinaMega has been successfully developed in the UK and Africa markets. Some of the latest TrinaMega installations include a Triad and Frequency Regulation project in the UK and micro-grid energy storage projects in Africa and island countries in Indian ocean and pacific.” said Frank Qi, General Manager of TrinaBESS. “USA is the largest Energy Storage market in the world, and one of most important markets for TrinaBESS. With project references in Europe, Africa, Australia and Japan, TrinaBESS also continues its international expansion with local offices in Tokyo, Frankfurt, Sydney and Singapore.”