The value of energy storage increases with growing shares of renewable energy on the grid, but the availability and cost of storage will determine how successful decarbonisation with renewables can be.
That’s one of the key takeaways of a new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Princeton University’s Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment (ACEE), supported by General Electric (GE). Researchers examined battery storage to determine the key drivers behind its present economic value, as well as the likely dynamics of what happens when deployment increases and what that implies for the long-term cost-effectiveness of energy storage.
As generation from variable renewable energy sources such as solar and wind increases its share of electricity supply, the economic value of storage rises, the study, published in the journal Applied Energy, found. However, as storage penetration increases, energy storage resources begin competing to provide the same set of grid services, resulting in a decline in the economic value of that storage.
According to the study’s Abstract, increasing the penetration of variable renewable energy “from 40% to 60% increases the value of storage, but only enough to make storage capacity up to 4% of peak demand cost-effective at current lithium-ion capital costs”. If capital costs of Li-ion batteries fall to US$150 per kWh for four-hour duration storage in future, that “cost-effective storage penetration range” increases to between 4% and 16%.
Value of storage still difficult to monetise, cost-effective long-duration remains overall goal
Co-author Jesse Jenkins tweeted out yesterday that a detailed electricity system planning model was used by the team. It looked at load and renewable energy profiles consistent to the US Northeast and southern regions, according to the Abstract. Jenkins, the report’s lead author Dharik Mallapragada and MIT postdoctoral associate Nestor Sepulveda, together found that at present, “the substitution of batteries for generation or transmission capacity is the primary source of storage value”.