Fox News and other right-wing media have done a good job of convincing the conservative base to oppose Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’ (D-New York) Green New Deal. However, the plan has not lost its magic in the blue states.
The Green New Deal has served to inspire policies from both presidential candidates and state leaders, but its most ambitious form yet may come at the city level. At least that is the bar that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti set yesterday with the roll out of a plan dubbed L.A.’s Green New Deal, whose 13 points cover everything from solar to single-use plastic, with a strong current of environmental justice and equity initiatives that shows the ideological inspiration of the original.
There’s far more to cover in the 151-page plan than any one article can do justice to, but among the top-line is an acceleration of the energy transition in electricity, with goals of 55% renewables by 2025 and 80% by 2036, and host of policies to enable a rapid build-out of local solar and energy storage.
This is not the only bold move; the plan also mandates that all new city-owned buildings and major renovations be all-electric, as well as setting a target for every single building in the city to become emissions-free by 2050 – with a major focus on electrification to meet that target.
Finally, the plan calls for an increase in the portion of electric and zero-emissions vehicles in the city to 25% by 2025, 80% by 2035 and 100% by 2050.